Tracey 21st December 2011

Hi My Love, well another Christmas is nearly here this is the 2nd one without you, its still hard you not being here. I went away with my Mum to Thailand we got back last week, you wouldnt have liked it there, too busy for you my love so I am glad that we didnt go together. You prefered the quieter places didnt you ? Well things pretty much the same back at work tomorrow. I have invited Auntie Dorreen and Uncle Mick for Christmas day you enjoyed their company. I have put your tree up in your garden it looks a little bleak at the minute, but I have put lots of bulbs in so it will be lovely in the Spring.I miss you so much Kevin. I am trying to get on with things but its still hard, I hope it will get easier, I dont feel as bad as this time last year, but I still love you and miss you so much. I can talk about you now without crying, well most of the time. People still talk to me about you, so you are not forgotten, you never will be forgotten my love. I love you please stay near me and watch over me and Kevin point me in the right direction I need that from you. All my love for always. Your wife Tracey xxx